It’s nice to be distracted from a daunting surgery or receive a diagnosis in the hospital. However, our care packages cannot fix the hurt or remove how scared the child and loved ones are. The power of a TLMF customized care package is much deeper than just receiving some helpful items to show that we love a child; it also means understanding the wide-range emotions of parents and/or caretakers in moments and situations such as these. That is why our high-quality care packages also have items for parents and/or guardians bringing a family together so they can lean on one another with some help from TLMF. We remind them and their loved ones that we are not only here but care about them.
What parents say…
“Thank you so much for the beautiful care package! It was a nice reminder that our son is not alone during this surgery.”
“We loved everything in her care package! Words cannot express our gratitude.”
“We are blown away!!!! Thank you so much for making sure we received this care package before our son’s surgery. His sister and him felt like it was Christmas day on one of our scariest days!!!!”
We take great pride in our high-quality and thoughtful care packages, which cost $200 each. You wouldn’t regret joining our mission to care for and love others with a sentiment such as this.
Please complete this form if you are interested in volunteer opportunities with The Levi Miles Foundation.
230-B Tyson Ave #197 Paris, TN 38242