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Equipment Lending Program

David and Shayna Miles donated over $100,000 of Levi’s equipment to this lending system at Henry County Center for Wellness and Rehabilitation in Paris, TN. The Levi Miles Foundation lends specialty equipment, such as adaptive equipment for recreation and home use.

Click below to see the letter to parents receiving the equipment we lend.

They did not want to see these pieces of medical equipment, which helped Levi have a higher quality of life as his abilities were being stripped away, sitting somewhere in their home or a storage unit. They wanted the equipment to help other kids, too! These durable medical equipment pieces were designed and molded to fit Levi’s body, making them perfect for a typical toddler.

Interested in donating equipment? Click below:

TLMF’s Equipment Lending Program loans durable pediatric medical equipment for temporary or long-term use at no cost. This is made possible by the generous donations made by David and Shayna Miles and other families in Henry County. The program accepts gently used pediatric medical equipment as a donation to use as part of the lending program. Equipment has been donated by parents/guardians when their child can no longer utilize the equipment.

Families have contacted the Foundation to ask if they, too, could donate their child’s adaptive equipment to the lending program. The answer was absolutely! If you have a piece or pieces of adaptive equipment in good shape, please contact the Foundation so they can give you further instructions on making this contribution. Examples of equipment could be:

  • Wheelchairs/Walkers
  • Standers
  • Crutches/Canes
  • Other durable medical devices

Volunteer Interest Form

Please complete this form if you are interested in volunteer opportunities with The Levi Miles Foundation.

The Levi Miles Foundation

(731) 207-0640

230-B Tyson Ave #197 Paris, TN 38242


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The Levi Miles Foundation is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3).